20 People Share Their Wildest and Weirdest Party Stories
Whether you went to high school, college, or just randomly got hammered at a bonfire growing up, we all have some crazy party stories we could share.
That's the beauty of the internet. Our friends over at AskReddit absolutely love spilling the tea and sharing their most insane stories for all of the world to see. So we've collected the wildest and weirdest party stories that probably should've remained a secret.
From setting boats on fire to magical drug dealers, we've got a little something for everyone. Party on!
That's the beauty of the internet. Our friends over at AskReddit absolutely love spilling the tea and sharing their most insane stories for all of the world to see. So we've collected the wildest and weirdest party stories that probably should've remained a secret.
From setting boats on fire to magical drug dealers, we've got a little something for everyone. Party on!
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At a house party with my boyfriend and a bunch of coworkers. It was late, like 3 am and everyone was pretty wasted. Most of us were playing beer pong in the garage. I had to go pee so I went inside. I opened the bathroom door and the owner of the company’s grand daughter was naked on her knees in the shower while two guys were pissing on her. Her boyfriend was in the garage and one of the guys lived there. His pregnant wife was asleep upstairs.
I turned around and went back to the garage. A minute later one of the guys came out into the garage laughing about how Trina wanted them to piss on her so they did. -Fickle_Freckle -
I was at a house party with 1 bathroom. All night there was one guy being obnoxious and passing out every few minutes. Laying down for 15 then getting up drinking more, rinse and repeat. Eventually he passed out in the one bathroom which cause outrage as people had to relief themselves.
A hero tried climbing a drain pipe to get into the bathroom window. On his first attempted he fell about 6 feet and landed on a bin that broke. Three guys at the foot of the drain pipe helped him up and one said “yo Fuck that bin” the four of them collectively stamped and kicked the bin like it owed them money until it was in many pieces. -Ordinary-Advisor7616 -
I met this man on three separate occasions, and I literally only ever knew him as “The Captain”. I don’t do drugs, but my friends certainly did. We were at a party and my buddy asked some girl where he could find some Molly, and she says “you’ll have to talk to the captain” and just walks away.
We were absolutely fucking mystified as to what that meant. Like an answer to our prayers, the crowd splits for a second and this dude with a comically large pirate hat just appears right in front of us. My friend goes “are you…the captain?”. Without a word he smiles, and takes off his hat revealing a massive bag of gatorade-blue molly that was taped to the inside.
Then he hands my buddy a little dime bag, gives a very convincing “yargh”, and disappears into the crowd. I laughed so hard I almost puked, and I swear every time I saw this dude it was like he was some mysterious pirate deity that would suddenly appear with the sole purpose of giving people free drugs and then disappear again. Really more awesome than weird, but still my favourite party story to tell. -MrGarbageEater -
My college roommate used a beer bong to “chug” a beer with it inserted into his rectum because “it gets you drunker”. He then stood and forcefully projected diarrhea around the room on pretty much every surface. He then confiscated all of our phones and wouldn’t give them back because he thought we secretly recorded it. -Sideways_sunset -
There was an old bowl of canned clam chowder someone didn’t finish for dinner on the table. Someone poured a generous amount of Rum Chata (cinnamon flavored cream liqueur) into it and started calling it “Clam Chata”. One girl was very drunk and hungry, ate it knowing what it was, claimed it was good, then threw up a bit into the bowl. She proceeded to finish the bowl and continued claiming it was tasty. -OGpizza -
More bizarre than weird or disgusting. I was invited to a bachelor party for a guy I don’t know, probably around 1982. Arrive to a backyard party with a decent size in- ground pool, hibachi barbecues, a couple kegs tapped. There’s a 35-40 foot boat on blocks in the yard, outboards are off in in parts on a table nearby. There’s probably 100 guys there, mostly college swimmers. I know about half of them. As the night progresses, about 10 guys are on the roof of the house passing around a bottle of scotch, another 50 or so people have arrived, more are on the way.
The barbecue guys move the hibachis on to the boat to keep drunks from falling on the grills. It’s getting crowded. The drunks decide to put the boat in the pool - maybe 50-60 guys shove this thing into the pool, which sends water everywhere around the pool deck, but also knocks the hibachi grills over into the boat. Seems like an easy fire to put out - but it wasn’t. Next thing I know the pool deck is mobbed with drunk college athletes. They’re all trying to splash water onto the boat, beer from the keg taps, ice, a plastic tarp, garden hose, and it’s just getting worse.
The smoke is choking the guys on the roof, so they’re trying to get down (it’s only about 12-15 feet, but they’re drunk). Some ground based drunks try to do the human pyramid thing to get them down. The rain gutter pulls away from the house. Lots of shouting, some of it angry - there’s going to be a fight soon, plus there’s a boat on fire in a pool. Time to go. I grab the two guys I came to the party with and we bolt. We pass police cars and fire trucks coming the other way.
A couple days later there’s an article in the local paper with a picture of the groom getting married in the hospital, but no real details about why he fell of a roof and broke his leg two days before his wedding. He could not go to the reception. The honeymoon postponed to a later date. No mention of a party or a fire.
From other friends I learn that, other than the groom, there were no serious injuries. Damage was confined to the boat, the pool, and the rain gutter. That was probably a fascinating homeowner insurance claim. -harinonfireagain -
Some drunk guys opening up cans of cream of mushroom soup and using them as chasers. -sunflowersdancing -
I was at a bar once, and there was a girl dancing on the bar. My friend was there cheering her on, she grabbed a bottle of water off the bar, stuck it up her butt and sucked all the water up then shot it out of her ass on to my friends face and all the nearby bystanders. I luckily was far enough back to not get hit by the ass spray. My friend was both horrified and mystified and he was never the same after that day. -rabidwhale -
A dude hopped on top of a dresser and pierced his own junk with a hammer and nail. -Haunted_leg567 -
I've seen a drunken Army man in full uniform deepthroat a dildo in the middle of a kitchen full of people as they were chillin' and snacking. I mean it was weird because it wasn't 'that type of party'. He had just found one of the peoples dildos... don't even ask me how... and thought it would be funny to take it downstairs into the kitchen where we all were and stick it down a throat. -JustSomeApparition -
A buddy of mine brought a girl to a party we were having. They were wasted and making out against my car when she turned to throw up all over the hood. He comes over to me to apologize for his date and I told him they should clean it off and he said "oh no I did already, I peed on it to get it off." -hellgremlon -
A girl none of us knew appeared inside the house, began hiding beers in the fridge around the apartment, started numerous arguments with the host and their friends, then proudly declared she has lesions on her brain and surgery tomorrow, and that we were all assholes.
We told her she needed to go and she took 2 more beers, flipped us off and stole the lit cigarette from a girl on the back porch as she stumbled off into the night. -PositiveChi -
I once experienced a pepper party. Literally stoned people throwing black pepper around on the kitchen floor and sneezing with great exuberance. -gronerglass -
Girl was on something and just pulled down her pants and pooped in front of everyone. Party cleared out real fast after that. -Elfprincess -
So for context, there's a beach in Texas we used to go to on the weekends in my former hometown. Basically, people play loud music and drink and either walk around on the beach or drive from one end to the other back and forth. Thousands of people. Lots of craziness like flashing, or people straight up fucking on the beach. It was always absolutely bananas.
So anyway, one time I saw one of my former classmates riding on the hood of a car butt naked dancing for everybody. Then she pulls her tampon out and starts swinging it around. -SweetCosmicPope -
House party back in the 90's. Local punk band playing hard in the living room. There was a strobe light lighting the band/pit. This will be important later. A friend of mine was passed out on the floor propped up against a wall. Just sitting there, totally out of it. My brother snuck up on him and started moving his lower lip like he was singing along.
Jostling him around upset him, and he projectile vomited. Into the pit. With a strobe light lighting the scene. You could watch his puke fly through the air blink-blink-blink-splash-splash-splash like a scene from a horror movie. -BoredBSEE -
At an outdoor camping party a guy in a gold speedo stumbled over to my friends and I and was talking super fast. We couldn't understand a word he said except "wanna see a Heli-cockter"? I was asking what that is and before I finished asking he whipped his dick out and started flinging it around in a counter clockwise motion. We all took off running and now I know what a Heli-cockter is. -whyunoletmepost -
A dude having violent diarrhea in a Sonic 44oz styrofoam cup. This was in the backyard of a friend's house with perhaps 100 people at the party. He was squatted over the cup holding his balls up with one hand and holding the cup with his other and shitting his brains out.
It was more than 44oz and he missed the majority of it. Took about 15seconds from dropping pants to pulling them up, doing his belt and walking through the side gate to the front yard. It was amazing and horrifying. -Thundertrukk -
Definitely the time the guy I was dating for four months brought me to his best friend’s house party. (I was like 20 lol) I liked mingling so I was chatting it up with his friends and whatnot. I noticed dude had disappeared, some of his friends also noticed and walked around with me to find him.
We proceeded to walk in on him in the middle of a threesome with his best friend’s gf and a random lady. Fight broke out, cops were called, and I left and never spoke to any of them again! Oof. -nylonfactory -
Probably about 15 years ago, I saw this guy (absolutely plastered) get dared to walk on glowing charcoal from the fire pit, then proceed to walk into the fire pit rather than on top of the two bits that the other guy had taken out for this purpose. He luckily was wearing shorts and the fire had begun dying down so he didn't catch on fire, but he suffered some serious burns. Crazy thing is he was smiling the entire time like "lol aren't I crazy?" -lyd136
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At a house party with my boyfriend and a bunch of coworkers. It was late, like 3 am and everyone was pretty wasted. Most of us were playing beer pong in the garage. I had to go pee so I went inside. I opened the bathroom door and the owner of the company’s grand daughter was naked on her knees in the shower while two guys were pissing on her. Her boyfriend was in the garage and one of the guys lived there. His pregnant wife was asleep upstairs.
I turned around and went back to the garage. A minute later one of the guys came out into the garage laughing about how Trina wanted them to piss on her so they did. -Fickle_Freckle